Brent Morrison Golf Academy - Junior Golf Academy, College Prep, PGA Tour Prep, .Are you a junior player aspiring to achieve a University golf scholarship or play Professional Golf? Our 10-Month . to providing you with world-class golf instruction in our premiere training center at Pheasant Glen Golf Resort, in . Golf and academic instructional programs offering Yearly Junior High School, College, International Junior, ESL and . instruction programs to foster the development of each individual student, from junior to adult amateurs as well as . Suitable for the golfer who has completed high school and is looking for an intensive golf training program for the . Lowering handicap & improving tournament resume for the purpose of applying for college & university golf scholarships. . Now available in both locations: Pheasant Glen in Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island and Big Sky Golf & Country Club, . designed to develop confident and competent players and prepare these students for exciting careers in golf! Limited .
Sidelines: Orland Raceway sets 200-lap Enduro By E-R Staff Article Launched:07/28/2007 12:07:03 AM PDTThe group runs 100 laps in one direction. Yellow flags are not used; only a red flag may be thrown in the event a car or cars are in harm's way.